Why + How To Edit Blog Posts Better

 Efficiency. It makes the world go round. 

You write your post then publish but little do you know, those little mistakes are warding your viewers away! If J.K. Rowling's book was mis-phrased and had a billion typos, it wouldn't be a best seller. Fact. But we all make mistakes and slip! Here's some tips on how to avoid them.

  1. Read your post backwards. - Starting from the bottom of your post, read each sentence, one by one, up to the beginning. It sounds weird. But you'll notice so much more because you're viewing it in a different way. Number one tip.
  2. Cut down fluff. - No, I'm not talking about anecdotes about cute times with your doggy. But when you write stream of conscious style, you tend to add in a lot of filler words. If you think a sentence is taking forever to get to the point, then cut it down.
  3. Consider your audience. - Do you think your audience is getting the point? What was your objective for the post? Is it translated easily? Did you assume the audience knows too much about your topic?
  4. What's your connection? - Be sure to use a connector. Let it be a call to action, a question, a summary or addressing your audience directly. Connectors help your audience feel like they aren't just consuming media. They are a part of it.

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